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The staff at Lyle Elementary School is committed to the academic and social success of all students. It is our belief that parents and the school must work together in each student's education, all teachers promote a strong partnership between home and school and have a regular communication with parents.

News & Announcements

First Awesome Award Winner of the Year!

At Lyle Elementary, we love acknowledging positive behavior at our school. One of the ways we do this is through Awesome Awards. Staff members nominate students for Awesome Awards and they are announced during our morning zoom meetings. Then I get on social media and tell you about the amazing students we have at Lyle. Here is the first Awesome Award of the year.

Meet Cooper.

On Cooper’s first day of school, he was a great example to all of his classmates. He was kind, followed directions, and was a wonderful leader. Thank you Cooper for being such an amazing student. Thanks for making Lyle Elementary a better place.

Picture Day: September 23, 2024

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