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Community Resources

Dial 2-1-1 for connection to resources - health care, energy assistance, counseling, employment resources, emergency food and shelter. It's free, confidential and live. Mon - Fri 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Polk Community Free Clinic

The Polk Community Free Clinic is excited to have a new partnership with the WOU College of Education Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Program who will be providing counseling services to our clients and their families. Please contact the clinic office for more details at (503) 831-0551.

Falls City Direct Connect

This is FREE transportation for Falls City residents and provides transportation to and from Dallas and to and from Monmouth. The route schedule can be found here. Transportation is provided Tuesday and Thursday so please consider scheduling your Falls City clients/patients on those days as they would have free, reliable, and consistent transportation! In addition, the shuttle is driven by a Resource Connector who is trained to help riders connect and navigate resources and services, and he's awesome!

Free Dental Care

Capitol Dental has a program that will provide free Dental Care for kids ages 3 - 9 who live in Polk County and have no insurance. Please let me know if you know anyone who would benefit from this and I will get them more information. Email: Tori Kelley

Free Firewood  

The Royal Order of Red Suspenders are once again offering free firewood to those who heat their home with wood, but can not afford to buy firewood.  If you know someone that could use this service, please have them call Salem Alliance Church at 503-581-2129 and ask for the RORS Wood line.

Polk County CourtCare

Polk County CourtCare is now open all day on Fridays from 7:30am-5:30pm. This free childcare service is also open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1-5:30pm. CourtCare is child care that is located near the courthouse and is available for children ages six weeks to twelve years old. Polk County CourtCare is available to anyone who needs to conduct business with the court system (including jurors) or local social service agencies including, but not limited to: Polk County Behavioral Health, Public Health, DHS, or Housing.

Dallas Resource Center

326 Main St., Dallas OR. 503-623-8429

The Kindness Club of Dallas Oregon

The Kindness Club has a Friday Bag program for students of Dallas School District who need extra food assistance over the weekend.  Please contact your school Counselor or Resource person for more information.